Rev Mizriam and Mercy Mseleku


Rev MD Mseleku, later nicknamed “Fohloza” by his colleagues in the ministry was born in 1901 at Mthwalume, South Coast of Natal.

In the early 20s while he and Job Chiliza, the founding father of the African Gospel Church (AGC), were working for Baumman’s Bakery Limited in Durban, began to preach after being ordained by the American Board Mission of which they were members at the time.


In 1925 Job Chiliza started preaching the Gospel and he called MD Mseleku together with other men to a whole month’s session of prayer and fasting.  After this period of prayer they felt empowered by the Holy Spirit in a new and powerful way.   After this they joined the Full Gospel Church where MD Mseleku and others were ordained as preachers and evangelists by Pastors Cooper and Jonathan in 1927. Rev Mseleku, together with the Moderator of the AGC Rev JC Lucas were responsible for church registration in 1949 in Cape Town. Later they founded the African Gospel Church and the first office bearers were Job Chiliza ( Chairman), JP Mzimela, TM Ngcobo, R Sishi, SL Miya, JY Nondaba, MD Mseleku and CJ Njapha

Ministry of healing sick

MD Mseleku began his ministry of healing sick and the casting out of evil spirits from those possessed by them and to preach the Gospel of the Kingdom. Many were turned to the Lord, the sick were instantly healed as he laid his hands on them in the name of the Lord Jesus. Seeing these miracles, many brought their sick relatives and friends and the Lord healed them all. The lame walked, the blind had their eyes opened, the deaf ears were unstopped, the dumb spoke, the wombs of the barren were opened and blessed with children and the evil spirits cast out. Pieces of cloths were printed and blessed and sent to the sick in remote areas and the faith healed those who were in hospital or bedridden as they applied pieces of cloths or clothes on themselves. 

Thriving sugarcane

MD Mseleku who owned a thriving sugarcane, sweet potatoes, banana and fresh produce farm as well as a general dealer in Mthwalume, near Port Sherpstone sold these in order to focus full time in ministry.  In 1956, she got married to Mercy Khambule and they were blessed with  11 children 4 of those children were from MD Mseleku’s first wife who passed on.  The children’s names are  Abner Thandakubona Mseleku, Cynthia Makhosazane Mseleku Queen-Rose Magagula, Faith Busisiwe Mseleku, Rebecca Thembisile Nkosi, Benjamin Dumisani, Goodenough Sipho Mseleku, Gladness Sanelisiwe Mseleku, Ziphorah Nozipho Mseleku,  Marvellous Gcina Mseleku, Bridgeman Vulindlela Mseleku.

Hundred churches in South Africa and in the SADC Region

Together they planted more than hundred churches in South Africa and in the SADC Region. They planted churches in Kwa Zulu Natal (Durban and Pietermaritzburg), Western Cape (Cape Town, Langa, Nyanga and  Gugulethu),  Eastern  Cape  (Queenstown, Kokstart and Matatiele), Gauteng (Pretoria, Germiston and Khathorus) and many townships in various provinces. They also conducted evangelism services in Swaziland, Zimbabwe, Malawi and Zambia. Their ministry was supported by Rev T.L. Osborn, Oral Roberts and many leading Evangelists around the world.

MD Mseleku served his Lord Jesus faithfully and truthfully until he passed

Theirs was a union that could only be orchestrated by the Lord because they were both used by the Lord immeasurably.  She  was  a  prayer  warrior,  intercessor,  a  teacher  of  the  word  of  God,  a  counsellor and a healer.  She  was tirelessly supporting those who were in need or vulnerable. She was loving, caring, giving and supportive to all her children and those who came to know her.  MD Mseleku was a was a brave evangelist with a special anointing of healing and establishing churches for the kingdom of God.

MD Mseleku served his Lord Jesus faithfully and truthfully until he passed on in  to September 1977 and on the ninth day of the same month in 2019 Mrs Mercy Mseleku was called home to the Lord.