Fohloza Foundation
a South African-based Trust constituted for the support and empowerment
of widows and children of deceased ministers of the Word, and other such
families or persons in distress, and for the development and training of Christian ministers of religion.
Our Vision
Eradicating poverty through empowerment and in capacitating
ministers of the Gospel and to be holistically equipped as individuals and for ministry.
Financial Literacy and Entrepreneurship Training
Part of the response to the financial difficulties that befall ministers of the Gospels is in part concerned with financial literacy.
A partnership has been established between Upstart Unconventional and the Fohloza Foundation to deliver financial literacy workshops.
The Mizriam and Mercy Mseleku Legacy Foundation Launch | 10 Nov 2022
The Launch of the Mizriam and Mercy Mseleku Legacy Foundation, as well as the Premiere of the Documentary on the Life and Ministry of Rev. MD Mseleku and Mrs. MB Mseleku.
SEE HIGHLIGHTSWellness and Health Survey
Part of the Foundation’s mandate is to support and promote the formation of Ministers of the Gospel. This formation also includes human formation wherein the growth and physical wellbeing of the minister is promoted. The foundation wishes to invite all fraternals, all minister, pastors and leaders of churches and ministries to participate in filling in the survey on the general state of wellness in ministry. The results of this survey will serve as a basis from the foundation can formulate its strategy and partnerships in order to respond to this neglected facet of ministry.
COMPLETE SURVEYPartners we work with